Wednesday 25 April 2018


One of the most common complaints of members joining the association relates to the lack of postal addresses in rural areas. This is an issue that causes a number of practical problems as set out in our very first communication to the Mayor of Albox, Francisco Torrecillas.

The letter states that in the villages and countryside surrounding Albox there exists a concerning number of roads and streets without a proper address.

The lack is concerning because it causes problem for the delivery of administrative mail such as IBI, tax bills, invoices etc.

More importantly, if residents need the ambulance, police or fire services they are unable to respond adequately. It is of concern that this issue could result in grave consequences, if it has not already done so.

Thus, in the name of the members of the association I would like to ask the town hall to initiate a project to analyse the issue, that we believe to be considerable, and to take appropriate measures to resolve it.

We appreciate that it is a complex problem but we believe that residents of Albox would support it and would assist if that is required.

The letter concludes "This is my first communication as president of this Association and I hope that this is the start of a dialogue that is of benefit to both the town hall and residents alike".

We are currently organising our first members meeting where we look forward to meeting you in person to hear more about your ideas, suggestions and concerns. Watch this space for more details!


  1. I am a British General Practitioner on the (Scottish) Isle of Mull, I have a house in Los Higuarales - so technically Arboleas but I shop in Albox.

    On Mull we have addresses like 'the old barn', 'village name'. Exactly the problems you speak about.

    I have sorted this for the island (!) the solution is a British company 'What3Words' + some interested volunteers. You can see what we have done here additionally we have an app that works offline on smart phones (because the mobile / wifi is worse here than in Los Higs!). (We use English but the system also runs in Spanish for no extra work).

    If you are interested get in touch with me or one of our team by the web site. On Mull no one 'official' was interested, they did not understand, we did it ourselves and primary care use the system every day, we are watching to see it get more and more embedded.

    You might hear more if you keep your eyes open (sorry mixed metaphors). We have partnered with an 'aspirational brand' and await the launch of their advertising campaign ... you too could generate publicity for they area. I'd be happy to get you started and get you in touch with W3W.

    Not my house, but you'll get the idea

  3. Update on our work on Mull


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